Hour-long in-office prenatal appointments, including any necessary lab tests.
Post-partum visits provided in your home for the first week, and in-office through the six week mark.
Medical, nutritional, and lactation support provided as needed.
24-hour on-call access

It is your birth.
Choose the people, the place,
the atmosphere.

As a licensed naturopathic physician, I also provide continuing pediatric and family care from my clinic in NE Portland.
About Dr. Sara

Watching a brand new human emerge from another human... I've witnessed this over 900 times now, and it still feels like a miracle every time. It is a great honor and privilege to attend births. I also love my work supporting couples through pregnancies and as new parents. And I love watching tiny people gradually become bigger people. In my general family practice, I've seen some families for over 20 years- that continuity of care is very gratifying. My work as a Naturopathic Physician and midwife suits me well and is incredibly satisfying.
My own children, now in their 30's, led me to this path. When I was pregnant the first time in Colorado, I learned about natural childbirth and breastfeeding, and that led me to La Leche League and other like-minded people who questioned many mainstream medical practices. When my daughter was a baby I didn't like taking her to the pediatrician because I didn't want to give her antibiotics or other strong medications, but I didn't know what else to do. I was thrilled when I took her to a Naturopath for the first time.
That inspired me to become a Naturopath myself. I had graduated from Mount Holyoke College with majors in Japanese and anthropology (I have lived in Japan and my husband is Japanese). I went back to school and completed medical school prerequisites. I also became pregnant again, and gave birth to my son, this time at home with an amazing team of midwives. My family then moved to Portland so I could attend the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. I graduated with honors and completed the natural childbirth program.
I've been in practice as an ND since 2000 and as a midwife since 2001. I am a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OANP). I am the current President of the American Association of Naturopathic Midwives (AANM) and have organized many Naturopathic Midwifery conferences. I am a former Board Member on the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM). I am also a Licensed Midwife in Washington.
In addition to working I enjoy time with my family and my cat, kayaking, gardening, hiking, sewing, yoga, biking, visiting other countries, and learning languages (currently Spanish).
I feel blessed to have found work that I love.
Please contact me directly (since COVID I have no administrative support) if you have any questions or to schedule a free 1-hour midwifery consultation! (This could be in person at the office, or by telemed.)
Text my cell with questions: 503-703-7825
Or Email saraohgushi.nd@gmail.com
Sara Ohgushi ND
Magnolia Family Clinic:
2207 NE Broadway, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97232
Fax 503-232-3436
Contact Me